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Where’s Macheesmo?

If you are wondering where Macheesmo is… it’s gone! 

Well, sort of. Let me explain!

I started Macheesmo over 15 years ago in my 20’s when I was experimenting with home cooking. Back then, I had all the time in the world to experiment in the kitchen and cook wild dishes. I loved it. 

The name Macheesmo started as a joke, but after a quick website launch and some online success, I spent over a decade building it into a good-sized food website with over 1,000 recipes. 

All good right? 

Well, not exactly. 

In the last few years, I’ve changed my approach to home cooking – having a few kids will do that to you. I found myself growing away from the brand.

Plus, it was hard to spell!

But, what I did know is that I still enjoyed cooking and writing about food, but the recipes I wanted to cook were different. I was excited to cook fast meals for busy people, but also casual recipes when I had the time to chill and entertain. 


It’s still me, Nick, cooking regularly in my home kitchen. But, the site is much improved with new features and tools to hopefully make cooking easier if you are, well, crunched for time. 

I hope you stick around and thanks for reading! 

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